Spiritual Counseling

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”

Psalm 62:5-6

Spiritual Counseling is a much neglected, if not misunderstood, area of church ministry. The lack of training and proper understanding of the role/function of counseling in the church setting only complicates the issue. People sometimes see counseling as an unnecessary waste of church resources that is better left to professionals. However, the reality is that it plays an important part in what we do, namely, offering hope, healing, and restoration for the hurting, the depressed, and the confused.

We at Agape believe that spiritual counseling should be more than just a weekly sprinkle of Bible verses from the pulpit. It requires the careful attention of a counselor who can accurately assess problems and help individuals deal with them from God’s perspective.

If you're interested in getting more information about counseling care, you can email Pastor Joshua at pastorjoshua@agapecac.org. Or, if you want to make an appointment, you can connect with us below or at calendly.com/pastorjoshua-76.

You can also download our Counseling Intake Form and Counseling Agreement below.


Tuesday: 1pm - 5pm

Wednesday: 1pm - 5pm

Thursday: 1pm - 8pm

Friday: 1pm - 5pm

Saturday: 9am - 5pm

Sunday: 4pm - 6pm