
We want to create a community of faith in San Diego that reflects God's heart and mission, as well as a culture that nurtures real discipleship with a broader impact for God's kingdom.

Our Purpose

We seek to embody the character of Christ through developing a Gospel-driven culture of:


God changes everything.


God loves messy people.


The Gospel creates community.


The Spirit empowers mission.

Statement’s Analysis:

As we establish the English Ministry, we will need time to understand and apply each purpose as we develop the culture in our congregation. To help us grasp who we are, the statement has been broken down into smaller sections:

We - this is a body of believers who have been spiritually regenerated and transformed by the Holy Spirit’s inner activity, and whose actions and attitudes mirror Jesus.

Create - it is about devising innovative ways to reach out to the next generation while being true to the gospel - creating a space where people feel welcomed, allowing them to develop and deepen their connection with Christ.

Community - God never intended for us to live in isolation, but rather in community with Him and one another. This is where we witness the gospel’s transformational power in action, and it is on display for all to see. A community that reflects His image and carries His name.

San Diego - this city is our mission field. We may be drawn to the city because of its beaches, climate, and natural beauty, but God cares more for the lost souls in the city.

Culture - our church seeks to understand and walk alongside those who are hurting without condemnation or judgment. We believe that only the gospel has the ability to set people free from sin.

Discipleship – spiritual formation is more concerned with the inner person than with the external form of obedience. The more people are changed from the inside, the more effective they are in being salt and light in the world.

Statement’s Summary:

We believe that Jesus is the hope of the world, and that through him, people will never be the same again. As the English congregation of Agape Chinese Alliance Church, we exist to see lives changed, culture transformed, and the city renewed by the gospel. This will require us to demonstrate the extraordinary love and humility that Christ demonstrated toward us, where people not only see Christ in us but are invited to participate in what He is doing. Of course, our mission can only be accomplished through fervent prayers and the work of the Holy Spirit.